Friday 10/02/12: project day 4

In the morning I worked on editing recordings that I had gathered. Again yesterday I missed a bunch of stories as the recorder was set to the wrong setting! I have enjoyed exploring using sound but I think if I use it in future I need to either learn a lot more about the device or get a much simpler recorder! Any way, a good excuse to do more recording.

Steve arrived having bought his clocks and was delighted with the fact that all the clocks were set to 10:10, his magic number!

He listened to the knitting sound recordings from yesterday and we decided to use the metal needle sounds from Lyn's knitting with the knitting meditation today.

I set up the room with a piece of orange yarn connecting each chair in the meditation circle. I did this because I felt that it would add an extra element to have a tactile sense during meditation and it seemed to represent knitting if everyone was connected. Steve said this was interesting as meditation talks about interconnectedness between people so by physically connecting everyone we were adding a new factor to the meditation.

Steve Pool, Lyn, Steve and I took part in the meditation. We started with an observation of breath and mindful movements. The Steve talked us through the meditation and started the knitting soundtrack. We all held the wool at either side of our chair.

For me the tactile element really helped me to focus and I felt somehow calmer being connected in this way to the others in the room. Lyn and Steve said the same. Steve Pool commented that the slightly irregular rhythm of the knitting sound track was useful as it kept his focus in the room.

During the afternoon the gallery was very animated. Lots of people dropped in and joined in with the activities or had a chat about what was going on. I was great to see the gallery filling up and people beginning to participate.

Steve Pool brought me in a dyno machine to make labels for my jars.

Steve and Victor hung the clocks and Steve gave each of us a battery and said we could set our clock to whatever time we liked.

On the way home I bought the Kenco jars for my display of memories. It felt a bit wrong buying coffee that will not be used but I am going to split it up and distribute it to the various community centres I do workshops in and to the Parson Cross food initiative, so it will not be wasted.

I decided in the end that although the jars are different in shape to the ones I remembered, they represent the same thing. There are 14 jars for the 14 words of the quote.